Staff that have completed full calendar years of service will be rewarded for their long service to the company by means of a cash award (paid with December salary) and additional once-off leave days added to their leave balance. Every person qualifying will also receive a certificate for their service.
The detail are as follows:
Years in service Award Extra leave days during that particular year only
5 R1500 2
10 R2500 3
15 R3500 5
20 R4500 5
25 R5500 5
Additional Permanent Leave Days
Leave days per annum will be in line with the BCEA, but staff with long service will be allocated additional leave days. See following schedule:
Completed years in service NOTES 5-day worker 6-day worker
1 – 15 years According to BCEA and contract of Employment 15 18
16 New arrangement 16 19
17 New arrangement 17 20
18 New arrangement 18 21
19 New arrangement 19 22
20 and above New arrangement 20 23
By accepting the offer of employment, an employee has agreed that Montego Pet Nutrition deducts payments from his salary in respect of goods purchased by him/her. The deduction will reflect the nature of the deduction and the Income Tax as prescribed by the laws and regulations governing income tax.
In addition, the following deductions will be made:
Unemployment Insurance (UIF) in the amount of one percent (1%) of the Employee’s earnings.
Any agency fee which is payable by the employee where an agency shop agreement is applicable in the workplace.
Any other deduction which is required or permitted by law, a collective agreement, a court order, or an arbitration award.
Montego Pet Nutrition takes all reasonable steps to ensure that employees receive the correct amount of pay in each pay-run and that employees are paid promptly on the scheduled payday. In the unlikely event that there is an error in pay, the employee should promptly bring the discrepancy to the attention of the Payroll Officer. This will enable corrective actions to be made as quickly as possible.
Montego Pet Nutrition may, in the event of any administrative error or inaccuracy recoup any overpayment made to you, including deductions from pay to meet the costs of settling any outstanding debts to Montego Pet Nutrition for which you are personally liable. (E.g., revenue owed to Montego Pet Nutrition and retained by you). All outstanding debts and/or loans will be recovered from the final payment upon termination of employment. This is in addition to any reasonable sum to compensate for property not returned. Amounts due to Montego Pet Nutrition will be deducted in lieu of notice periods not worked unless such waiver has been agreed to by Montego Pet Nutrition in writing
Only if an advance is requested, the completed form should be sent to the Montego Pet Nutrition creditors department. If no advance is requested and payment is to be processed with salary pay run, send completed form to either Riaan Enslin (Admin employees) or Beverley du Toit (depot and shift workers).
This document contains:
Policy Objectives
General Principles
Travel Arrangements
Accommodation Guidelines
Subsistence Allowance
Corporate Credit Card usage
Please familiarise yourself with the procedure, should you travel for work purposes.
This process is designed to ensure that disbursements made to employees are above reproach and are at arm’s length. All travel claims must be accompanied by the appropriate backup documentation i.e., major disbursements in respect of any claim such as repairs to company equipment, accommodation, entertainment, meals, car hire, and travel tickets must be supported by a voucher signed by the employee.
This is essential from a credibility and tax perspective. A daily allowance not exceeding that allowed by the Receiver of Revenue will be paid to cover incidental expenses (e.g., tips, taxis, etc.), which are not substantiated by supporting documentation.