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Montego Pet Nutrition supports the principle of corrective and progressive discipline and are committed to formulate and apply rules that regulated the conduct of Employees. This is to ensure order and healthy, productive personnel relations. Montego Pet Nutrition supports and is committed to formulate and apply rules that regulate the conduct of Employees, also to ensure order and healthy, productive personnel relations.


Progressive discipline means that, with respect to most disciplinary problems, these steps will normally be followed: (depending on the seriousness of the offence).

  • a first offense may call for a verbal warning.

  • a next offense may be followed by a written warning.

  • another offense may lead to a final warning.

  • and still another offense may then lead to termination of employment.


The primary objective of the Disciplinary Code and Procedure is to initiate corrective action where an employee’s conduct is unacceptable to Montego Pet Nutrition. The purpose of these Procedures is to provide appropriate processes for dealing with this in a way which is predictable, consistent, and fair.  Montego Pet Nutrition distinguishes between warning offences and dismissible offences.


The list below confirms some of these (though such listing cannot be comprehensive):





  • Absenteeism.

  • Late coming.

  • Late coming after breaks.

  • Loitering.

  • Entering a restricted area without authorisation.

  • Poor work performance, (continued P.W.P. will lead to dismissal).

  • Disrespect; and such.




Frequent Absenteeism or Unexcused Absence.

  • Absconding (i.e., three (3) days of unauthorised absence without due notice).

  • Misappropriation.

  • Negligence.

  • Insubordination, or violation of authority.

  • Wilful Misconduct.

  • Any loss or damage of Montego Pet Nutrition’s property through negligence.

  • Borrowing money from clients.

  • Use of or under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating substances whilst on the work premises or undertaking duties.

  • Unauthorised possession and/or removal of Montego Pet Nutrition’s resources.

  • Private work or canvasing customers during or after working hours for personal gain.

  • Swearing, arguing, threat of assault or assault against any person, or fighting.

  • Not achieving Montego Pet Nutrition goals.

  • Negotiations with customers during working hours.

  • Cash or stock shortages.

  • Working without the necessary care.

  • Gambling during working hours.

  • Work which must be repeated/redone due to negligence.

  • Failure to report an offence as committed by another Employee.

  • Ill-mannered conduct and behaviour against or towards a customer, colleague, or Employer.

  • Failing to undertake duties whilst at work.

  • Making private telephone calls whilst on duty without Montego Pet Nutrition’s permission.

  • Gossiping and mischief making which may jeopardise work relations.

  • Failure to adhere to the prescribed dress code as determined by Montego Pet Nutrition.

  • Smoking in non-smoking areas.

  • Any form of racial discrimination.

  • Dishonesty.

  • Operating any vehicle in a reckless and negligent manner or without the required authorisation/permission.

  • Sleeping on duty.

  • Making any statement or postings on social media or electronic format relating to the Employer or those associated therewith.

  • Any conduct which negatively impacts the trust relationship between the parties.

  • Possession of weapons or any prohibited substance.

  • Any other offence recognised as such in terms of the Common Law.


NOTE: The above list of offences is not exhaustive but is intended merely as a guideline for reference purposes. Management reserves the right to invoke the serving of a Trespass Warning Notice in instances where the return of ex- employees may endanger or harm the general security, safety, or industrial peace on the property. (Should this notice be ignored; criminal prosecution may be institute.)

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